Multi-purpose Discord bot written in C#
Click here to add the bot to a server of your choice
Can be built on Windows, Linux, and macOS using the .NET 5 SDK or can be built directly through Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code
Running and hosting
Clone the repository with git clone https://github.com/ivydrinkscoffee/IvyBot.git
then rename App.config.example to App.config and edit it accordingly to your Discord and Lavalink environment
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku="netcoreapp2.1" />
<add key="Token" value="replace with your bot token" />
<add key="Prefix" value="replace with a prefix of your choice" />
<add key="Host" value="replace with the set lavalink address" />
<add key="Port" value="replace with the set lavalink port" />
<add key="Password" value="replace with the set lavalink password" />
Remember that if you are running your Lavalink instance on Heroku the port will always be 80 regardless of the port you set
Future plans
More modules/commands and Migrate To Latest .NET SDK And Dependencies
Special thanks
Contact me on my Discord server for further help